Dark Hollow CDC Goals

  • Reduce Vandalism
  • Improve the quality of rental and owner-occupied housing stock
  • Increase the rate of home ownership
  • Promote education and literacy training
  • Reduce the level of criminal activity as it relates to drug dealing and trafficking
  • Create meaningful opportunities for Youth at Risk
  • Provide education and training services to minorities and other disadvantaged groups and or individuals who seek to develop businesses designed to improve their living conditions
  • Provide management and technical assistance to small and beginning businesses that are owned by or that employ minorities and low-income individuals and families
  • Provide financial assistance, direct/indirect, to new or expanding businesses owned or operated by low-income or minority residents of the target area.
  • Acquire, lease, own or otherwise control any facilities, assets or entities, that are deemed necessary or useful in the reversal of community deterioration in the target area.
  • Develop and provide decent housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income residents